On December 12, we delivered a short webcast on this hot topic and demonstrated how companies can avoid some of the huge pitfalls involved in handling personal data. If you missed this event, you can now access this valuable information on YouTube at no cost.

Background: The current GDPR cases in the courts and the record fine of €14.5 million imposed on Deutsche Wohnen have caused a bit of a stir and led to uncertainty. This was the first sensational case of its kind, but certainly not the last. Shortly thereafter, a fine of nearly €10 million was imposed on 1&1 Telecom GmbH. In each case, regulatory agency complaints were based on the companies failing to take “sufficient technical and organizational measures” in handling personal data.
Avoid these risks with our solution that provides long-term protection.
Legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and increased data storage present new challenges for companies. In addition to typical ERP and email systems, our file servers contain valuable information which must be protected. When it comes to personal data, companies must be able to quickly provide information about which data is saved and where. Records must also be kept regarding the deletion of personal data.
This is a crucial matter for you too, especially in light of these shocking court cases. dataglobal CS allows us to provide you with a smart solution for data classification. Our solution offers you an overview of unstructured personal data throughout your company. Gain transparency at the touch of a button and make the right decisions quickly and reliably.
Through AI-assisted classification and pre-defined taxonomies, appropriate actions , such as deleting, moving, or archiving data, can be carried out automatically. We would be happy to provide you with detailed information on the functionality and the advantages of using dataglobal CS for data classification.
dataglobal – smart classification turns unstructured data into valuable discoverable information
dataglobal helps you analyze unstructured data using content-based classification with criteria lists, taxonomies, or self-learning algorithms. dataglobal solutions identify, evaluate, and store, archive or delete unstructured data depending on their intrinsic value. They search for and classify personal data on file servers across your company. Data classification with dataglobal CS allows for holistic classification of data according to overarching criteria. It defines and applies company-wide classification rules locally. dataglobal CS also enables you to monitor your data at all times. Not only can you classify your data, but dataglobal Content Services allows you to archive your data and documents from diverse applications in a way which is compliant and fulfills the GDPR requirements. You can also apply concepts for authorization and deletion and develop digital processes.
Company-wide classification of all your data gives you new opportunities to ensure compliance and boost your efficiency.
Click here >>> for our webcast from 12/12/2019
Want to find out more? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at request@dataglobal.com or call +49 7131 1226 500.
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